Sunday, March 2, 2014


In my previous post I explained my belief that abortion and abortion causing drugs are murderously evil and that we need to do something against the tyranny of a government that will force its citizens to participate with evil.  This poses the question, "What are we supposed to do?"  We are not members of the Supreme Court, we will not directly decide the rulings on these cases.  Still, ultimately the government will act in concert with public opinion.  We need to show the broader culture that this loss of liberty is a significant step along a frightening road.  I have a few ideas I'll share below, but I'd love to hear additional ideas in the comments.

1.  Share your support for religious liberty.  Share your beliefs on social media with hashtags like #ReligiousLiberty #HobbyLobby #ConestogaWood #goodmenandwomendosomething

2. Vote with your dollars.  Make a purchase at Hobby Lobby and share it online, or donate to the Becket Fund to support the legal team for Hobby Lobby, Little Sisters of the Poor, and many others. 

3.  Participate in a rally, march, or protest.  I'm organizing a march in Mason, OH on March 16th. 

Facebook Event - March for Religious Liberty
G+ Event - March for Religious Liberty

If you can't make it to to this event, consider staging your own.  Create an event, invite your friends, and encourage them to invite their friends.  This is how grassroots movements grow.  Even if no one shows up but you, you will at least know that you tried to do something.  As Mother Theresa said, "God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful."

4.  Pray.  This is the most important item in this list.  We need to trust in God's plan while we spread His truth.  Pray with your family, with your friends.  Offer sacrifices for the cause of Religious Liberty.  We'll never know in our lifetimes the impact of our prayers but we can trust that they do have impact.

Share any other ideas in comments.

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