Can we stop referring to contraception as healthcare and
stop referring to availability of free contraception as a women’s health issue?
A woman is not healthier by avoiding pregnancy. Women are not healthier by ingesting
synthetic hormones, a Class I carcinogen.
The most comparable “medical” treatment I can think of would
be plastic surgery. The argument for
both is basically the same: There is an
aspect of my body (appearance or fertility) which is functioning normally and
healthily, but I believe it limits my happiness and freedom, so I will seek a
treatment which modifies my body to suit my desires. Contraception and a nose job are different aspects of the same thing.
Fundamentally, contraception is an elective treatment. If contraception must be provided free of
charge in healthcare plans then why not plastic surgery?
Anyone who uses the phrases “reproductive health” or
“women’s health” with respect to contraception should immediately lose
credibility. The phrases “reproductive
subversion” or “women’s fertility avoidance” are more accurate. I won't go into all of the many side effects and risks of hormonal birth control, but the fight against breast cancer would be much better served by getting our wives and daughters off the pill, than dressing our sons in pink gloves and socks for a football game.
Contraception, whether we are talking about the pill,
condoms, or an IUD, inherently disrupts the natural functioning of the
Even when contraception pills are used as a means to treat
legitimate medical conditions like endometriosis, in most cases, it simply
results in the masking of a real health condition and trading one set of
symptoms and risks for another.
The most frightening aspect of considering contraception
healthcare is that it inherently sends the message that pregnancy is a
If this is healthy,
then this must be unhealthy,
and a family with 4 or more children is an outright epidemic.
Considering contraception to be healthcare, especially
essential healthcare that should be provided free of charge to all people, is a
very dangerous lie. It has led us to
where we are now with the HHS Mandate.
It can lead to more frightening situations like China’s one child
policy, which is now being “eased,” but which will cause tremendous demographic
problems in China for generations. I believe it is fundamentally tied to school shootings, and all societal problems stemming from the devaluing of human life.
Contraception is not healthcare. It suppresses the normal healthy functioning
of the human body, commonly through ingestion of a Class 1 Carcinogen. Contraception is population control.
Contraception is eugenics. Contraception
denies the dignity of the human person.
#ContraceptionIsNotHealthcare because #PregnancyIsNotADisease
Further reading:
Before you counter with an overpopulation argument, please watch this:
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